
Need a World-Class Keynote Speaker For Your Event?

Jaquie Scammell is Australia's leading customer service expert who is obsessed with serving people in a very human way. She is an entertaining and popular speaker whose infectious energy is felt from the stage – whether in-person or online.


The minute Jaquie steps onto a stage, you know you are in the presence of someone who is incredibly authentic and deeply passionate about service towards others.

You cannot help being struck by her infectious energy. You find yourself leaning in as she reveals unique teachings with a deep appreciation for the human side of business. Not just theory, but rather 30 years of customer service experience translated to practical tools for the audience to take away.

Jaquie places her focus when crafting a message for your audience; she makes it relevant, and easy to listen to and follow. Her keynote experiences have afforded audiences to sing, cry, connect, meditate, belly laugh and furiously take notes to ensure they capture the essence of her message. She captivates her audience, helps people get out of their heads and into their hearts, and engages them to the last second.

Jaquie is mostly known as Australia’s leading customer service expert, helping create a service mindset for those seeking growth in their organisations and themselves.

She works with an extremely diverse customer group that represents several industries and sectors. This lends to a variety of stories and case studies to help the audience relate. She is the real deal when it comes to practising what it means to live a life in service to others.

Over 20 years of Leadership Experience

In 2013, she launched her own business as a Thought Leader of Customer Service. This followed a diverse career with over 20 years of leadership experience in public, private and not-for-profit sectors starting with the McDonald’s franchise system and expanding to major sports and entertainment venues such as Wembley National Stadium (UK), Emirates Stadium (UK) and the Australian Open Grand Slam.

A published author of Service Mindset and multi award winning Service Habits, regular blogger, media contributor, and qualified yoga and meditation teacher, your audience will easily connect with and relate to Jaquie.


Speaking Topics 2024

Book Jaquie to speak on the following topics at your next event


The Future of Service

In 2020 a series of unprecedented, life-altering changes in the rules of human engagement left people anxious, confused and as a result society changed forever. Customer service was one of the casualties which appeared, in parts, to of died completely.

Transforming Service Cultures one habit at a time

If you are in the business of service, you are in the business of relationships. Good service is in danger of disappearing altogether behind a barrier of organisational protocols and efficiencies rather than strong, sustainable relationships and results. The best Service cultures focus on small, practical ways of approaching human relations in a world that demands service like never before.


Service Mindset

In this age of digital transformation and technology, many argue we are more connected than ever before. AI, automation, and the rise of robots continues to improve speed, efficiencies, and productivity beyond our wildest imaginations. But at what cost?

What our clients say

“Whilst I never doubted that the session would be a success I can confidently say that it exceeded all expectations I had. I’ve had a number of team members approach me this morning already commenting on how good the session was and how engaging and relatable the presenter was.

We’re very much looking forward to the modules to come!”

Venue Manager, CENTREPIECE at Melbourne Park

"The presenter was great. There were 200 people and it never felt chaotic or like people were speaking over each other. It was obvious that the presenter was skilled in working virtually, which made for a personal and positive user experience with a very large group."


Network Control Manager, AusNet

"Jaquie was fabulous, she understood our culture and adapted to our business. Our team loved her."
Learning and Development Consultant, Petbarn


$12,000 plus GST*

* Excluding travel costs for interstate/ overseas. Note discounts apply for multiple keynote addresses.

Call us on 0431 133 904 or email