
Upcoming Events

We conduct online webinars and in-person events to add value to our clients and the broader service industry.


2024 Future of Service 5D Leader’s Event

Build a service culture that consistently delivers WOW. Facilitated by Jaquie Scammell and ServiceQ.

This half day masterclass is designed for;

  • CEOs and C-Suite Executives who are leading through transformation or a competitive customer landscape
  • HR Professionals building a more service orientated workplace culture
  • Mid – Level Managers who want to build high performing teams in relational skills

When asked whether consistent quality service impacts the business results, most of us give a resounding ‘yes – of course it does’. When asked whether it’s possible to achieve consistent quality service throughout your whole team and business, most of us become a little hesitant, sceptical and overwhelmed with the complexity of the task at hand.

How is it that something so critical to success which underpins  sales, profits and customer loyalty can be so hard to achieve?

How do we begin to build a service culture that consistently delivers WOW to customers if we aren’t sure even where to start?

Enough of the complexity and uncertainty.

In this half-day experience, we will bring some much needed focus to the simplicity and methodology for creating greater consistent quality service in your business, that will ultimately WOW your customers and determine your future business results.

This masterclass is for CEOs, C Suite Leaders, Mid-Level Managers, HR Professionals to:

  • Understand the cost and impact of inconsistent quality service standards in the business and how it can impact the company’s long-term success
  • Learn how to define quality service behaviours for all job roles and employees
  • Develop a vision and a clear picture of the service culture you want to create
  • Create a high-level roadmap of where to start overhauling or simply upgrading your service culture to deliver more WOW
  • Receive practical tools, including service culture-driving language, habits, mindsets, to effectively drive a service culture change in your business
  • Build confidence in your ability to lead and implement a service culture initiative
  • Make a significant contribution to your business culture immediately after attending the masterclass

Your Facilitators

The masterclass will be led by Jaquie Scammell, a proven successful leader in some of the largest and most complex operational environments.

With a vision to change the way businesses think and behave when it comes to service, Jaquie and her team at ServiceQ, work with leaders and organisations in nearly every industry to help transform their team's mindset, habits and ultimately their service culture.

A renowned people expert for internal and external relations helping organisations and individuals energise their employee experiences to inspire their customer’s experiences.

Jaquie is an award winning published author of several books on the topic of Service Mindset, Service Habits and Service Leadership. She contributes to the media regularly as a service expert and is a voice for leaders and service professionals when she does so.

Jaquie will be joined on the day by members of her team in ServiceQ who have been carefully selected as experts in human behaviour, soft skills and leadership skills. They each have passion and extensive experience in leading rooms and transformation.

5 reasons you cannot miss this masterclass

✅ Be ahead of the curve: AI is significantly reshaping the future of work, therefore the skills needed to serve the modern customer. Walk away with a narrative to help you make future employment mix decisions with confidence.

✅ Master future Service Leadership trends in half a day: Dive into physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual needs of employees and customers as well as cutting-edge leadership concepts. Gain tomorrow's insights today.

✅ Network with a large variety of industries and business types: Connect with other leaders who face similar challenges, who may offer different ways of thinking. Miss this masterclass and miss out on important connections.

✅ Get actionable strategies for immediate success: This isn’t just another masterclass; it’s a giant diagnostic to provide you with 'do-this-now' strategies. We're talking real change, the kind you can start the next morning.

✅ Lead the evolution, don't just follow: It's simple: be the one leading the way or the one hearing about it later. Be the pioneer. Create your legacy. You in?


2024 Future of Service 5D Leader’s Event

Build a service culture that consistently delivers WOW. Facilitated by Jaquie Scammell and ServiceQ.


What our clients say

"The circle of trust and the impact this had on people by the end of the session was terrific; I have never seen a speaker do that.

Your ability to deliver and read the room, and to express empathy and compassion was nothing short of ‘on point’. I can’t wait to continue working together on many more conferences"


Director, Iconic LIVE


"The presenter was great. There were 200 people and it never felt chaotic or like people were speaking over each other. It was obvious that the presenter was skilled in working virtually, which made for a personal and positive user experience with a very large group."


Network Control Manager, AusNet
