
The future of service needs updated software and soft skills  

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I installed a system update on my phone again this month – just a typical periodic update sent through by the company that makes the phone.

These updates can help your phone work faster, stop it from freezing and make it safer from bad guys who want to steal your information. Checking for updates and installing them allows your phone to work at its best!

What would happen if we also got into the habit of updating our human operating system and enhancing our service skills?

These updates could help your service teams work faster, stop them from freezing or freaking out when they have a customer complaint or unusual situation, and make it safer for people to come to work each day. They’d feel they have skills and ways of working that enable them to deal with the human stuff that can at times affect the overall service experience.

What if we need to approach the way we upskill, reskill and support humans at work in the same diligent ways we approach taking care of our devices, machines and robots?

My favourite part about updating the software on my mobile device is that it also adds new things on my phone, like new games and apps.

My favourite part about updating people’s soft skills at work is seeing the new ways of working and tools it adds to their toolbox to help them work ‘at their best’.

Love being in service,

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