
A Cleaner, a CEO and Australia’s Favourite Airport

As the CEO of ServiceQ there are many examples and stories that inspire, provoke and upgrade the work we do at ServiceQ when helping the transformation of service cultures.

Jackie Lakovska from Ikon Services Australia, who is a cleaner at Melbourne airport, inspired me to write the chapter about the Spiritual Dimension of Service, in my latest book; The Future of Service is 5D; why humans serve best in the digital era.

“Jackie’s ‘why’ was clear; she knew her purpose at work and saw that scrubbing toilets and changing bins was an opportunity to make someone’s day. Each time she encountered someone; Jackie saw it as an opportunity to show her human spirit”. Jackie won the Humanitarian Award last year at the annual Excellence Awards. Stunning.

Melbourne Airport knows that to be Australia’s Favourite Airport, each day as thousands of travellers move through the terminals, they have to keep earning this tittle or it will expire. This is why three years ago, Melbourne Airport embarked on a multi-year, multi-level program to transform the traveller experience. The goal was to create a culture of service and hospitality that was real, honest, and excellent.

A one team approach was needed for all 20,000 employees. This included a service vision, incorporating a consistent set of commitments across the whole business, based on the principles and emotional outcomes needed by the traveller.

The Stepping Forward Program, a customised service program was co-designed by ServiceQ and Melbourne Airport, aiming to empower all staff to help travellers at any point in their journey. A Service Culture framework that consisted of shared language, shared behaviour and engaging, high touch training sessions delivered frequently over time is the winning methodology.

Deep appreciation and respect for all involved and for the inspiration to share this story in my book. Especially: Lorie Argus, Wendi Pearce, Shereen Elsebai, Emi, Scavitto, Amber Shaw

Love being in service,

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