
An ode to Customer Service heroes  

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This week is Customer Service Week: an opportunity to celebrate the people who give customer service. Below is a poem I wrote for all the customer service staff in this country. 

This week, look for the good examples of service and praise the staff who provide it – this may help raise the service standards around you, too! 

An ode to Customer Service heroes  

There are some who turn a frown into a smile. 

There are others who effortlessly go the extra mile. 

There is humility in service, steady and strong. 

Never for a moment making a customer feel wrong. 

Their interactions create trust and loyalty.  

In an uncertain world, they are consistent, and bring quality. 

To be clear and kind, when frustrations arise. 

To make customers feel cared for, no matter the prize. 

They risk much when they answer the phone or open the store. 

Dealing with unpredictable, emotional humans who want to be sure. 

Yet they show up each day with smiles that are kind. 

Caring less about their ego, bringing a balance of heart and mind. 

They have a gift which leaves me better than before. 

It’s the ordinary moments that matter, for sure. 

So embrace the customers and their problems to solve. 

Each customer is a lesson or reflection to help you evolve.  

You are the quiet everyday heroes whose service is true 

At every interaction this week and into the future, I celebrate you. 

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