I was one of the millions who held our collective breath during the epic penalty shoot-out on Saturday night that gave the Matilda’s the win over France to secure their place in the Semi-Finals of the Women’s World Cup.   

How did the Matilda’s get here playing lights-out soccer, smashing viewership records, and breaking down barriers for female athletes across Australia? I’d argue their success has everything to do with their service mindset. That’s right. In the language of ServiceQ, the Matilda’s are proving to be masters of what we call “Creating Helpful Beliefs.” And whether you’re on a quest for world soccer domination or to build lasting relationships with customers, this is mission-critical. 

Just ask Matilda’s coach Tony Gustavsson. 

Flashback: It’s the post-game press conference after Australia’s 4-0 victory over Canada. Tony Gustavsson sits at the front of the room. Despite the victory there is some tension in the air as reporters start to ask their questions. In the past few weeks Gustavsson has been criticised after a narrow victory over Ireland and a loss to Nigeria. Star player Sam Kerr is injured and reporters think Gustavsson is withholding information about her condition and possible return. Some suggested he didn’t deserve the job. But now his team have just delivered the win that keeps Australia’s World Cup dreams alive. 

A reporter steps up and decides to address the tension. She asks Gustavsson if he was excited to come in and face the press after the win – to enjoy proving all the doubters and critics wrong.  Now, let’s pause. This is a great moment for Gustavsson to gloat, right. To blow off a little steam. After all, the press has been quick to judge him. They dramatise events to grab headlines. They deserve whatever is coming, right? But Gustavsson smiles and says “It’s not about coming in here and trying to prove someone wrong.  Not at all…Everyone in here is part of this legacy.  It’s much bigger than football.  And it’s definitely not about me proving anyone wrong.  This is about the Matilda’s.  This is about the team.  And the fans out there. And it feels great to celebrate that together with all of you.” 

See what he did there? It was ninja-like. He deftly took himself out of the equation, elevated the team and the fans, and then reframed the press as a part of Team Matilda. Is this true? Not exactly. But is it helpful? Absolutely! 

In service, there will be moments of tension.  Sometimes you face difficult situations or have to answer tough questions.  If you see the customer you are serving as an adversary, then it can feel like one of you has to win.  A more helpful belief for any service interaction might be, “We’re in this together.”  It’s certainly working for the Matilda’s.  

Written by Jennifer Crescenzo, ServiceQ Facilitator.

Jennifer’s facilitation style blends modern movement science, neuroscience, and principles from yoga and tai chi to help people enjoy better health, manage stress, and do what they love with more passion and purpose.

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