
Better service. Believe it.

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It appears that our default idea for improving service is now, ‘AI will solve this problem’.

I stand with my two feet on the ground and throw BIG rocks at this position.

I propose our default way of improving service should now be: each other. Humans are the highest technology on the planet, and humans do service best.

It’s time to reimagine customer service in your business and bring the belief that others may not have yet: that there is no machine on earth that will create a meaningful exchange or fulfil a desire for a customer the way a human being can.

Sure, some of the staff in your teams may be a little rusty at giving quality service, and you may have to invest in upgrading their soft skills so they can elevate their human interactions, but first you need to believe!

Leaders, you need to bring the belief… but first let me present the contrasting beliefs. How helpful is it if you turn up for work each day as a leader and believe that:

  • you can’t teach people to care
  • people have forgotten the basics of service
  • staff no longer value the things I was taught about service
  • staff can’t handle difficult service situations these days – it’s generational.
  • customers are never happy no matter what staff do
  • robots will replace them soon enough, so just put up with average service performance?

If you find yourself in a service-oriented business that is focused on people, people, people, then grab a pen and take note. It’s time to rewire these unhelpful beliefs into beliefs that are far more helpful and supportive.

As a service leader, these are more helpful beliefs:

  • I will set the example of what I want to see more of in my service teams.
  • I believe my staff are capable of great service; they’ve simply forgotten how.
  • I believe staff have some great ideas about serving customers, and I will ask questions before making assumptions.
  • I am committed to supporting the younger generations’ soft skills development.
  • I believe customers are easy to please when we bring our human qualities to each interaction.
  • I believe robots will be useful in the future and will allow humans to spend more time with and give more care to customers.

You bring the belief, give your people confidence and get the job done!

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