Customer Service Training Auckland

In the realm of customer service, maintaining a competitive edge is no easy task. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re aware of the need to enhance your service culture.


  • Employees seek personal growth, meaningful purpose, and meaningful connections.
  • Customers’ expectations are constantly evolving, demanding more.
  • Businesses strive to control costs, boost revenue, and enhance productivity and efficiency.


Rest assured, we understand your challenges and we’re here to assist you. Our customer service programs equip you with the advantage you need, addressing the diverse needs of employees, customers, and businesses alike.

customer service training Auckland

Unlocking the Power of Customer Service Training in Auckland

Customer service training is crucial for building customer loyalty, satisfaction, and retention. By empowering employees with essential skills, knowledge, and tools, businesses can consistently provide exceptional support and cater to customer needs.

A key objective of such training is to establish consistent standards for customer interactions. This ensures that every employee delivers the same level of care and professionalism, fostering reliability and trust among customers. Consistency in communication and problem-solving reflects positively on a company’s brand and reputation.


  • Customer Satisfaction: Well-trained employees can cultivate a positive customer experience by efficiently resolving issues and responding empathetically to their concerns. This not only leaves customers feeling valued and assured, but also encourages repeat business and brand advocacy.


  • Customer Retention: Investing in customer service training reduces the likelihood of losing customers to competitors. By consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations through prompt and competent support, long-term relationships are nurtured, and customers are more likely to remain loyal.


  • Customer Loyalty: Loyal customers are essential for the growth and sustainability of any business. A comprehensive customer service training program helps employees forge emotional connections with customers, leading to increased loyalty and a greater likelihood of referrals and positive reviews.


Moreover, companies that prioritise customer service training experience:

  • Reduced employee turnover and improved engagement and morale
  • Increased return on investment
  • Lower reputational risk

customer service training program in Auckland

Experience Service Transformation, Not Just “Tick-the-Box” Customer Service Training

ServiceQ is so much more than a training provider.  We pride ourselves on delivering learning programs using multiple channels that deliver tangible results.

We help you shape the future of customer service with world-class learning programs that:

  • Strengthen loyalty for internal employees and external customers
  • Equip leaders to transform their service culture 
  • Develop organisational values and behaviours for service consistency
  • Embed emotional and social skills for difficult customer conversations
  • Elevate people skills in an AI digital-heavy world.

Fundamental Customer Service Skills

We use the analogy of taking small steps towards continuous improvement rather than approaching service culture transformation as a big change. The skills you will lean fall under three pillars:



  • Know Yourself (Be Present)

Service starts with you.  Before we even consider the customer, we need an awareness of how we show up. Some area of focus include:

  • Are you choosing to serve?
  • What do you believe about yourself?
  • What are your thoughts?
  • Do you look the part?


  • Understand Others (Be Connected)

By embracing empathy, you have the ability to make others feel truly seen, heard, and understood. Those who possess empathetic qualities can:

  • Actively listen attentively to the customer’s emotions and concerns (and those of their colleague).
  • Validate their feelings by acknowledging their frustrations or disappointments.
  • Show genuine care and concern for a customer or colleague’s well-being.

Active listening involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully. It is a crucial skill at all levels in an organisation for staff to be able to:

  • Give their full attention to their internal or external customer.
  • Ask clarifying questions when necessary.
  • Paraphrase the customer’s message to ensure understanding.


  • Act Consciously (Be Kind)

Recognizing the profound influence of your behavior on those around you is crucial. In the realm of customer service, excellent communication skills serve as the cornerstone. They empower professionals to effectively share information, comprehend customer needs, and establish rapport, even amidst challenging circumstances. Key facets of communication encompass:

  • Clarity: Keep messages simple, concise, and easy to understand.
  • Tone: Use a polite, and friendly tone.
  • Non-verbal communication: Pay attention to body language, eye contact, and facial expressions.


Conflict resolution skills help to address and resolve disagreements by:

  • Keeping calm and maintaining a neutral tone.
  • Identifying the root cause of the conflict.
  • Offering viable solutions and negotiating a mutually acceptable resolution.


Who are we targeting?

Our programs can be delivered live online or in a face-to-face environment or a hybrid of the two.  

They are perfect for:

  • Frontline leaders with teams
  • Senior leaders and executive team
  • Sales leaders and function area leaders
  • Frontline employees
  • Sales and customer facing roles
  • Support and specialist roles
  • Anyone who is part of a business that relies on strong relationships

Who are our clients and what do they think of us?

We work with a diverse client base across many industries.


our Auckland customer service training clients

Check out some of our client testimonials.


Our featured programs

Customised Company Values and Service Behaviours 

Customisation of a service culture is all about contextualisation. We immerse deeply in your world and learn your unique market or industry, your customers specific needs and the brand promise that you deliver across all human touch points. A strong set of company Values and Service Behaviours explicitly articulated the strongest foundation you can create prior to embarking on any service culture initiatives.

Leading Service Habits 

This online pathway provides a blueprint for leaders to support and guide their teams in the delivery of extraordinary service. The program provides a common language and framework for leaders to promote organisational service consistency.


Embedding Service Habits 

This integrated program enables leaders and key team members to role model the habits and share them with all staff so they stick. The course includes a mix of online and face-to-face masterclasses. The result is a ripple effect creating consistent quality service at scale and is perfect for a ‘whole of business’ approach.


How can you find out more about how we could help your organisation?

our customer service training coaches


We also provide customer service training in:

Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Hobart, Canberra, Auckland, Christchurch, Vancouver