
Customer service training is useless

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Customer service training is useless… unless it has a strong methodology and framework that supports what happens outside of the training room.

I’m frequently amazed at companies asking for quick-fix solutions to ‘transform’ their service culture by simply providing training. Training in isolation will not create change, let alone lead to transformation. It’s like plastering up a hole in a leaking ceiling but not fixing the hole in the roof – eventually the leak will return, and nothing will have changed.

According to a Harvard Business Review article (Read below), the majority of training in companies is ineffective. Only 12% of employees apply new skills learned in learning and development programs to their jobs; and only 25% of respondents to a McKinsey survey that the article cites believed that training measurably improved performance.

It takes time to transform. Human behaviour is influenced slowly.

It takes multiple touch points to transform. Understanding a concept doesn’t mean it will be applied.

It takes recognition and encouragement to transform. Progress needs to be made visible.

It’s the sum of many things all happening at once that will give you the transformation you’re looking for. Training is just one part of this.

Harvard Business Review article

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