
Increase your sales, profit, customer happiness and team happiness by 30%

Recently, my team and I have become incredibly focused on data. Data that tells a story about the value our clients receive when they partner with us. 

We have some work to do in data collection. I wish we’d been measuring certain points of data for the last decade, but we have not. Oh well – you live, you learn, and you do better tomorrow, right! Still, there’s one group of data points that we have found consistently deliver value over time: 

Service Habits. 

A Service Habit is a tiny improvement in how an employee thinks and acts towards the customer. Think of each Service Habit as a 1% improvement in a day. A 1% improvement every day for 30 days? That’s a 30% uplift.  

Each Service Habit compounds improvements in your service culture the same way interest compounds in your bank account.  

Take time to reflect on these two questions: 

  1. What would your business look like if your service performance improved by 30% in one month – what would the impact be on your sales, your profits? 
  1. What is it costing your business to go without a 30% improvement in a month? 

What I love about Service Habits is that you can start them immediately. No single habit requires very much change, but over time your results soar. 

With deep respect for you and your hard work, I suggest that if you’re curious about how your service culture performance is tracking, you should observe the 1% moments from your team members. It’s the sum of many of these 1% moments that will predict your business results in a week, a month, a quarter and a year. 

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