
Six reasons why 2023 is a good time to challenge your company values

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Every good business that wishes to maintain a healthy team culture and have long-term, loyal customers reviews their values regularly. Why? To make sure they still fit! 

At ServiceQ HQ, we’ve been re-evaluating our company vision and values. They were outdated, even though they were only four years old. We are almost through the final stage of the process, and the new vision and values will be soon published on our website. It has sort of felt like giving ourselves permission to have a wardrobe upgrade because the clothes we were wearing no longer seemed to fit us. Our new ‘wardrobe’ will be so much more relevant and fitting for who we are today. 

In the past, we recommended that companies review their values every three to five years. Based on recent history, though – specifically between 2020 and 2023 – external events have shaken things up significantly, not only in how people work but also in the way customers want to be served. If you haven’t reviewed your culture compass in the past twelve months, here are six reasons why you may decide to make this a priority. 

  1. Values define what you care about – have you changed what you care about in the last three years? 
  1. Values define what you stand for – have you changed what you stand for in the last three years? 
  1. Values help you make decisions when there is no rule book – have you changed your rules in the last three years? 
  1. Values help create a sense of belonging amongst people – have you had major staff turnover in the past three years? 
  1. Values help you identify who is a high-performer – have you redefined high performance in the past three years? 
  1. Values help your customers feel an emotional connection to your business – have you maintained strong loyalty in the past three years? 

For your business’s vision and values to be meaningful and applicable in day-to-day interactions, you need them to be relevant. 

Your values and your service standards are interconnected. Values create your culture, and they set the direction for how you want people to behave with each other and the customer. Check in on them and see how relevant and useful they are today. 

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