
Thinking about service while your competitors are sleeping 

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I think about customer service more than you do. 

It’s my work, my focus, my purpose, my daily obsession. 

If you too have a daily obsession – in other words, a topic of interest or something you think, speak and write about every day – then you and I have something in common. 

As CEO of my own business, I need to find my edge, be competitive and find ways to stand out from the crowd. I need to dedicate my time and energy to my craft and perhaps put in a few more reps while my competitors are sleeping, so I have more depth to what I offer. If you’re a leader in your field or business, you may relate to this competitive tension – the need to have more depth of thought and a well-planned approach to your offering.  

Part of your offering and mine is our customer service. And there are many threats to customer service in our businesses: 

  • Increased competition, with customer service being taken over by AI and online systems and customers being won over by other brands in your field. 
  • Poor customer service – long response times, and so on. 
  • Losing good employees. 
  • Losing customers. 
  • Social media. 
  • Complacency. 

If you want to raise the bar in 2023 for your customer service, then you may need to think about it more deeply, like you’re obsessed with it, to stand out from the crowd. If that doesn’t interest you, then perhaps you need to outsource this to someone who will do the thinking and obsessing for you. 

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